Source code for pylops_mpi.optimization.cls_basic

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import sys
import time
import numpy as np

from pylops.optimization.basesolver import Solver
from pylops.utils import NDArray

from pylops_mpi import DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray

[docs] class CG(Solver): r"""Conjugate gradient Solve a square system of equations given either an MPILinearOperator or an MPIStackedLinearOperator ``Op`` and distributed data ``y`` using conjugate gradient iterations. Parameters ---------- Op : :obj:`pylops_mpi.MPILinearOperator` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.MPIStackedLinearOperator` Operator to invert of size :math:`[N \times N]` Notes ----- Solve the :math:`\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{Op}\,\mathbf{x}` problem using conjugate gradient iterations. """ def _print_setup(self, xcomplex: bool = False) -> None: self._print_solver(nbar=55) if self.niter is not None: strpar = f"tol = {self.tol:10e}\tniter = {self.niter}" else: strpar = f"tol = {self.tol:10e}" print(strpar) print("-" * 55 + "\n") if not xcomplex: head1 = " Itn x[0] r2norm" else: head1 = " Itn x[0] r2norm" print(head1) sys.stdout.flush() def _print_step(self, x: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray]) -> None: if isinstance(x, StackedDistributedArray): x = x.distarrays[0] strx = f"{x[0]:1.2e} " if np.iscomplexobj(x.local_array) else f"{x[0]:11.4e} " msg = f"{self.iiter:6g} " + strx + f"{self.cost[self.iiter]:11.4e}" print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() def setup( self, y: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], x0: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], niter: Optional[int] = None, tol: float = 1e-4, show: bool = False, ) -> Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray]: r"""Setup solver Parameters ---------- y : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Data of size (N,) x0 : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Initial guess of size (N,). niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations (default to ``None`` in case a user wants to manually step over the solver) tol : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance on residual norm show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display setup log Returns ------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Initial guess of size (N,). """ self.y = y self.niter = niter self.tol = tol x = x0.copy() self.r = self.y - self.Op.matvec(x) self.rank = x.rank self.c = self.r.copy() self.kold = float(np.abs( # create variables to track the residual norm and iterations self.cost: List = [] self.cost.append(float(np.sqrt(self.kold))) self.iiter = 0 if show and self.rank == 0: if isinstance(x, StackedDistributedArray): self._print_setup(np.iscomplexobj([x1.local_array for x1 in x.distarrays])) else: self._print_setup(np.iscomplexobj(x.local_array)) return x def step(self, x: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], show: bool = False ) -> Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray]: r"""Run one step of solver Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Current model vector to be updated by a step of CG show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display iteration log Returns ------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Updated model vector """ Opc = self.Op.matvec(self.c) cOpc = np.abs( a = float(self.kold / cOpc) x += a * self.c self.r -= a * Opc k = float(np.abs( b = float(k / self.kold) self.c = self.r + b * self.c self.kold = k self.iiter += 1 self.cost.append(float(np.sqrt(self.kold))) if show and self.rank == 0: self._print_step(x) return x def run( self, x: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], niter: Optional[int] = None, show: bool = False, itershow: Tuple[int, int, int] = (10, 10, 10), ) -> Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray]: r"""Run solver Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Current model vector to be updated by multiple steps of CG niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations. Can be set to ``None`` if already provided in the setup call show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display logs itershow : :obj:`tuple`, optional Display set log for the first N1 steps, last N2 steps, and every N3 steps in between where N1, N2, N3 are the three element of the list. Returns ------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Estimated model of size (M,) """ niter = self.niter if niter is None else niter if niter is None: raise ValueError("niter must not be None") while self.iiter < niter and self.kold > self.tol: showstep = ( True if show and ( self.iiter < itershow[0] or niter - self.iiter < itershow[1] or self.iiter % itershow[2] == 0 ) else False ) x = self.step(x, showstep) self.callback(x) return x def finalize(self, show: bool = False) -> None: r"""Finalize solver Parameters ---------- show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display finalize log """ self.tend = time.time() self.telapsed = self.tend - self.tstart self.cost = np.array(self.cost) if show and self.rank == 0: self._print_finalize(nbar=55) def solve( self, y: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], x0: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], niter: int = 10, tol: float = 1e-4, show: bool = False, itershow: Tuple[int, int, int] = (10, 10, 10), ) -> Tuple[Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], int, NDArray]: r"""Run entire solver Parameters ---------- y : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Data of size (N,) x0 : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Initial guess of size (N,). niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations tol : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance on residual norm show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display logs itershow : :obj:`tuple`, optional Display set log for the first N1 steps, last N2 steps, and every N3 steps in between where N1, N2, N3 are the three element of the list. Returns ------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Estimated model of size (N,) iit : :obj:`int` Number of executed iterations cost : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` History of the L2 norm of the residual """ x = self.setup(y=y, x0=x0, niter=niter, tol=tol, show=show) x =, niter, show=show, itershow=itershow) self.finalize(show) return x, self.iiter, self.cost
[docs] class CGLS(Solver): r"""Conjugate gradient least squares Solve an overdetermined system of equations given either an MPILinearOperator or an MPIStackedLinearOperator ``Op`` and distributed data ``y`` using conjugate gradient iterations. Parameters ---------- Op : :obj:`pylops_mpi.MPILinearOperator` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.MPIStackedLinearOperator` Operator to invert of size :math:`[N \times M]` Notes ----- Minimize the following functional using conjugate gradient iterations: .. math:: J = || \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{Op}\,\mathbf{x} ||_2^2 + \epsilon^2 || \mathbf{x} ||_2^2 where :math:`\epsilon` is the damping coefficient. """ def _print_setup(self, xcomplex: bool = False) -> None: self._print_solver(nbar=65) if self.niter is not None: strpar = ( f"damp = {self.damp:10e}\ttol = {self.tol:10e}\tniter = {self.niter}" ) else: strpar = f"damp = {self.damp:10e}\ttol = {self.tol:10e}\t" print(strpar) print("-" * 65 + "\n") if not xcomplex: head1 = " Itn x[0] r1norm r2norm" else: head1 = " Itn x[0] r1norm r2norm" print(head1) sys.stdout.flush() def _print_step(self, x: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray]) -> None: if isinstance(x, StackedDistributedArray): x = x.distarrays[0] strx = f"{x[0]:1.2e} " if np.iscomplexobj(x.local_array) else f"{x[0]:11.4e} " msg = ( f"{self.iiter:6g} " + strx + f"{self.cost[self.iiter]:11.4e} {self.cost1[self.iiter]:11.4e}" ) print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() def setup(self, y: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], x0: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], niter: Optional[int] = None, damp: float = 0.0, tol: float = 1e-4, show: bool = False, ) -> Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray]: r"""Setup solver Parameters ---------- y : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Data of size :math:`[N \times 1]` x0 : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Initial guess of size (M,). niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations (default to ``None`` in case a user wants to manually step over the solver) damp : :obj:`float`, optional Damping coefficient tol : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance on residual norm show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display setup log Returns ------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Initial guess of size (N,). """ self.y = y self.damp = damp ** 2 self.tol = tol self.niter = niter x = x0.copy() self.s = self.y - self.Op.matvec(x) damped_x = x * damp r = self.Op.rmatvec(self.s) - damped_x self.rank = x.rank self.c = r.copy() self.q = self.Op.matvec(self.c) self.kold = float(np.abs( # create variables to track the residual norm and iterations self.cost = [] self.cost1 = [] self.cost.append(float(self.s.norm())) self.cost1.append(np.sqrt(float(self.cost[0] ** 2 + damp * np.abs( self.iiter = 0 # print setup if show and self.rank == 0: if isinstance(x, StackedDistributedArray): self._print_setup(np.iscomplexobj([x1.local_array for x1 in x.distarrays])) else: self._print_setup(np.iscomplexobj(x.local_array)) return x def step(self, x: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], show: bool = False ) -> Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray]: r"""Run one step of solver Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Current model vector to be updated by a step of CG show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display iteration log Returns ------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Updated model vector """ a = float(np.abs(self.kold / ( + self.damp * x += a * self.c self.s -= a * self.q damped_x = self.damp * x r = self.Op.rmatvec(self.s) - damped_x k = float(np.abs( b = float(k / self.kold) self.c = r + b * self.c self.q = self.Op.matvec(self.c) self.kold = k self.iiter += 1 self.cost.append(float(self.s.norm())) self.cost1.append(np.sqrt(float(self.cost[self.iiter] ** 2 + self.damp * np.abs( if show and self.rank == 0: self._print_step(x) return x def run(self, x: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], niter: Optional[int] = None, show: bool = False, itershow: Tuple[int, int, int] = (10, 10, 10), ) -> Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray]: r"""Run solver Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Current model vector to be updated by multiple steps of CGLS niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations. Can be set to ``None`` if already provided in the setup call show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display iterations log itershow : :obj:`tuple`, optional Display set log for the first N1 steps, last N2 steps, and every N3 steps in between where N1, N2, N3 are the three element of the list. Returns ------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray Estimated model of size (M, ). """ niter = self.niter if niter is None else niter if niter is None: raise ValueError("niter must not be None") while self.iiter < niter and self.kold > self.tol: showstep = ( True if show and ( self.iiter < itershow[0] or niter - self.iiter < itershow[1] or self.iiter % itershow[2] == 0 ) else False ) x = self.step(x, showstep) self.callback(x) return x def finalize(self, show: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: r"""Finalize solver Parameters ---------- show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display finalize log """ self.tend = time.time() self.telapsed = self.tend - self.tstart # reason for termination self.istop = 1 if self.kold < self.tol else 2 self.r1norm = self.kold self.r2norm = self.cost1[self.iiter] if show and self.rank == 0: self._print_finalize(nbar=65) self.cost = np.array(self.cost) def solve(self, y: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], x0: Union[DistributedArray, StackedDistributedArray], niter: int = 10, damp: float = 0.0, tol: float = 1e-4, show: bool = False, itershow: Tuple[int, int, int] = (10, 10, 10), ) -> Tuple[DistributedArray, int, int, float, float, NDArray]: r"""Run entire solver Parameters ---------- y : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Data of size (N, ) x0 : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Initial guess of size (M, ). niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations (default to ``None`` in case a user wants to manually step over the solver) damp : :obj:`float`, optional Damping coefficient tol : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance on residual norm show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display logs itershow : :obj:`tuple`, optional Display set log for the first N1 steps, last N2 steps, and every N3 steps in between where N1, N2, N3 are the three element of the list. Returns ------- x : :obj:`pylops_mpi.DistributedArray` or :obj:`pylops_mpi.StackedDistributedArray` Estimated model of size (M, ). istop : :obj:`int` Gives the reason for termination ``1`` means :math:`\mathbf{x}` is an approximate solution to :math:`\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{Op}\,\mathbf{x}` ``2`` means :math:`\mathbf{x}` approximately solves the least-squares problem iit : :obj:`int` Iteration number upon termination r1norm : :obj:`float` :math:`||\mathbf{r}||_2`, where :math:`\mathbf{r} = \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{Op}\,\mathbf{x}` r2norm : :obj:`float` :math:`\sqrt{\mathbf{r}^T\mathbf{r} + \epsilon^2 \mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{x}}`. Equal to ``r1norm`` if :math:`\epsilon=0` cost : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional History of r1norm through iterations """ x = self.setup(y=y, x0=x0, niter=niter, damp=damp, tol=tol, show=show) x =, niter, show=show, itershow=itershow) self.finalize(show) return x, self.istop, self.iiter, self.r1norm, self.r2norm, self.cost